
Friday 24 May 2013

Clockwerk Goblin Guide

Clockwerk Goblin


  • Strength Rattletrap Strength
    24 + 2.7
  • Agility Rattletrap Agility
    13 + 2.3
  • IntelligenceRattletrap Intelligence
    17 + 1.3
  • Rattletrap

Battery Assault

Discharges high-powered shrapnel from openings in Rattletrap's clockwork upon a random nearby target dealing minor magical damage and ministun every 0.7 seconds.

Power Cogs

The Clockwerk Goblin ejects pieces of inner core to form a circular barrier around himself, trapping nearby units with him. These cogs require 3 attacks from an enemy to be destroyed before their expiration time. If an enemy unit with mana goes near an element from the outside it gets shocked for some HP and mana and is knocked back. An element powers down if it shocks a unit.

Rocket Flare

Fires a fast moving missile at a target area on the map, revealing the targeted area. Upon impact it damages enemy units at a 575 AoE explosion.


Fires a grappling, piston-like attachment at a unit or location. It will latch on the first, non-neutral enemy target it encounters, pulling you to it. Any enemies whom you collide with while being reeled toward the target will take damage and will be stunned.
  • Sentinel
  • 0.33 / 0.64
  • 55 - 57
  • 0.3 / 0.51
  • 1.82
  • 1.7
  • 315
  • Instant
  • 128 (melee)
  • 1800 / 800
A robotic terror, the Clockwerk Goblin is one of the most deadly ambush heroes in the game. Enemies who aren't careful will soon find themselves trapped and shredded by this tiny mechanical Goblin. The Clockwerk Goblin is at his most dangerous when he is right on top of his target. Using Battery Assault, he repeatedly damages and stuns an adjacent foe, and with proper positioning his Power Cogs can trap a single enemy nest to him, pushing others away. This combo is quite lethal to fragile heroes. To aid in finding and getting next to enemies, the Clockwerk Goblin has Rocket Flare and Hookshot. Rocket Flare sends a missile to anywhere on the battlefield, causing some damage and giving the Clockwerk Goblin vision of the targeted area for several seconds. Hookshot fires a chain which latches onto enemy units, causing damage and a stun. However, the primary purpose of Hookshot is to pull the Clockwerk Goblin to the target, putting him in perfect position to unleash his deadly Battery Assault and Power Cog combo. Good awareness is the best counter to this deceptively small mecha-Goblin.
The by-product of Goblin technological weapon research during the old War, Rattletrap the Clockwerk Goblin was shut away into storage for countless decades until the Sentinel found and reactivated him. Combat-wise, this goblin's capabilities know few bounds; his body is stocked with a huge array of armaments that destroy targets both near and far with ease. His trademark wrench can even extend itself like a grappling hook, allowing him to pick off individual targets with pin-point accuracy.

Battery Assault

  • Active
  • Instant
  • E
Discharges high-powered shrapnel from openings in Rattletrap's clockwork upon a random nearby target dealing minor magical damage and ministun every 0.7 seconds. Lasts 10.5 seconds.

  • Level
  • Mana Cost
  • Cooldown
  • Casting range
  • Area of Effect
  • Duration
  • Allowed Targets
  • Effects
  • 1
  • 75
  • 32
  • N/A
  • 275
  • 10.5 seconds
  • Enemy unit
  • Periodically deals 15 damage and ministuns
  • 2
  • 75
  • 28
  • N/A
  • 275
  • 10.5 seconds
  • Enemy unit
  • Periodically deals 35 damage and ministuns
  • 3
  • 75
  • 24
  • N/A
  • 275
  • 10.5 seconds
  • Enemy unit
  • Periodically deals 55 damage and ministuns
  • 4
  • 75
  • 20
  • N/A
  • 275
  • 10.5 seconds
  • Enemy unit
  • Periodically deals 75 damage and ministuns


• Damage type: magical
• Remains active even if Rattletrap is disabled.
• Total damage: 225/525/825/1125.

Power Cogs

  • Active
  • Instant
  • C
The Clockwerk Goblin ejects pieces of inner core to form a circular barrier around himself, trapping nearby units with him. These cogs require 3 attacks from an enemy to be destroyed before their expiration time. If an enemy unit with mana goes near an element from the outside it gets shocked for some HP and mana and is knocked back. An element powers down if it shocks a unit.

  • Level
  • Mana Cost
  • Cooldown
  • Casting range
  • Area of Effect
  • Duration
  • Allowed Targets
  • Effects
  • 1
  • 50
  • 15
  • N/A
  • 210
  • 5 seconds
  • Enemy unit with mana
  • Drains 80 life and mana
  • 2
  • 60
  • 15
  • N/A
  • 210
  • 6 seconds
  • Enemy unit with mana
  • Drains 120 life and mana
  • 3
  • 70
  • 15
  • N/A
  • 210
  • 7 seconds
  • Enemy unit with mana
  • Drains 160 life and mana
  • 4
  • 80
  • 15
  • N/A
  • 210
  • 8 seconds
  • Enemy unit with mana
  • Drains 200 life and mana


• Damage type: magical
• Cogs can shock magic immune and invisible units.

Rocket Flare

  • Active
  • Point
  • R
Fires a fast moving missile at a target area on the map, revealing the targeted area. Upon impact it damages enemy units at a 575 AoE explosion.

  • Level
  • Mana Cost
  • Cooldown
  • Casting range
  • Area of Effect
  • Duration
  • Allowed Targets
  • Effects
  • 1
  • 50
  • 20
  • Global
  • 575
  • 10 seconds
  • Enemy unit
  • Deals 80 damage. Reveals for 10 seconds.
  • 2
  • 50
  • 18
  • Global
  • 575
  • 10 seconds
  • Enemy unit
  • Deals 120 damage. Reveals for 10 seconds.
  • 3
  • 50
  • 16
  • Global
  • 575
  • 10 seconds
  • Enemy unit
  • Deals 160 damage. Reveals for 10 seconds.
  • 4
  • 50
  • 14
  • Global
  • 575
  • 10 seconds
  • Enemy unit
  • Deals 200 damage. Reveals for 10 seconds.


• Damage type: magical
• Does not kill enemy animal couriers.


  • Active
  • Point
  • T
Fires a grappling, piston-like attachment at a unit or location. It will latch on the first, non-neutral enemy target it encounters, pulling you to it. Any enemies whom you collide with while being reeled toward the target will take damage and will be stunned.

  • Level
  • Mana Cost
  • Cooldown
  • Casting range
  • Area of Effect
  • Duration
  • Allowed Targets
  • Effects
  • 1
  • 150
  • 70 (12*)
  • 2000
  • 125/175 **
  • 1 second
  • Non-neutral
  • 100 damage and stun on collision
  • 2
  • 150
  • 55 (12*)
  • 2500
  • 125/175 **
  • 1.5 seconds
  • Non-neutral
  • 200 damage and stun on collision
  • 3
  • 150
  • 40 (12*)
  • 3000
  • 125/175 **
  • 2 seconds
  • Non-neutral
  • 300 damage and stun on collision


• Damage type: magical
• Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values).
• Hookshot will latch onto allies. The allied unit will not get disabled or damaged, and enemy units will still get damaged and disabled.
• (**) Latch/stun AoE
• The affected enemy will be paused until the hook retreats.
• Colliding with a neutral creep, or with an allied unit (without Aghanim's Scepter) will stop the hook for no effect.

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