
Friday 24 May 2013

Goblin Shredder Guide

Goblin Shredder


  • Strength Rizzrak Strength
    22 + 2.1
  • Agility Rizzrak Agility
    16 + 1.3
  • IntelligenceRizzrak Intelligence
    21 + 1.8
  • Rizzrak

Whirling Death

Goblin Shredder whirls extremely sharp edges dealing damage and reducing primary attribute of any unfortunate enemy hero who comes in a 300 AOE around him.

Timber Chain

Fires a chain that embeds itself in the first tree it hits, pulling you to it and cutting any enemy in your path for pure damage.

Reactive Armor

What doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger! Every physical attack made on Rizzrak increases his armor and gives him bonus hp regen. Each stack lasts for 16 seconds.


Fires your main saw blade at the target location, and once there the blade will spin, dealing damage in an AoE around it and slowing enemies. The blade deals pure damage and cuts down trees in its path when fired and retracted. You lose the ability to attack while the blade is out.
  • Sentinel
  • 0.36 / 0.64
  • 48-52
  • 0.3 / 0.6
  • 0.24
  • 1.7
  • 290
  • Instant
  • 128 (melee)
  • 1800 / 800
Simply put, Rizzrak is a tank ganker. Timber Chain is a 4 second pseudo-Blink with 1400 range and 200 pure damage in a line, combo'ed with Whirl Death immediately after means a 450 damage nuke every 8 seconds. Chakram provides another nuke, again in pure damage, as well as a slow effect for anyone silly enough to be in its way. Note that you will be unable to attack while your Ultimate is active, but Shredder's damage doesn't come from physical attacks anyway. Rizzrak has 3 active skills with low cooldown, players wanting to try out Rizzrak should concentrate on upgrading mana pool, mana regen, and HP pool. (Bloodstone and Arcane Boots anyone?)
Deep in the Forgotten Forests there is money to be made. No one knows this, and the dangers that lie within better than the goblin inventor Rizzrak. Combining heavy onboard weapons with the ability to clear an entire field of timber with ease, Rizzrak created a machine that’s as deadly as it is economical. With a detachable saw, brush clearing blades, and a tree grabbing chain Rizzrak is as threatening to his enemies as he is to a fresh sapling. Rizzrak's may not be a noble spirit, but the Sentinels money is as good as any, as long as he keeps his grubbing hands off the Tree of Life!

Whirling Death

  • Active
  • Instant
  • D
Goblin Shredder whirls extremely sharp edges dealing damage and reducing primary attribute of any unfortunate enemy hero who comes in a 300 AOE around him. Deals Pure damage if it cuts down trees in the process. Lowers primary attribute by 15% for 7 seconds.

  • Level
  • Mana Cost
  • Cooldown
  • Casting range
  • Area of Effect
  • Duration
  • Allowed Targets
  • Effects
  • 1
  • 70
  • 8
  • N/A
  • 300
  • 7 seconds
  • Enemy units, Trees
  • Deals 100 damage, lowers primary attribute by 15%
  • 2
  • 80
  • 8
  • N/A
  • 300
  • 7 seconds
  • Enemy units, Trees
  • Deals 150 damage, lowers primary attribute by 15%
  • 3
  • 90
  • 8
  • N/A
  • 300
  • 7 seconds
  • Enemy units, Trees
  • Deals 200 damage, lowers primary attribute by 15%
  • 4
  • 100
  • 8
  • N/A
  • 300
  • 7 seconds
  • Enemy units, Trees
  • Deals 250 damage, lowers primary attribute by 15%


• Damage type: magical, pure if a tree is cut down by Whirling Death.

Timber Chain

  • Active
  • Point
  • T
Fires a chain that embeds itself in the first tree it hits, pulling you to it and cutting any enemy in your path for pure damage.

  • Level
  • Mana Cost
  • Cooldown
  • Casting range
  • Area of Effect
  • Duration
  • Allowed Targets
  • Effects
  • 1
  • 60
  • 4
  • 800
  • 225 (damage)/90 (tree detection/kill)
  • N/A
  • Enemy units (damage)/Trees (latch)
  • Deals 100 pure damage
  • 2
  • 70
  • 4
  • 1000
  • 225 (damage)/90 (tree detection/kill)
  • N/A
  • Enemy units (damage)/Trees (latch)
  • Deals 140 pure damage
  • 3
  • 80
  • 4
  • 1200
  • 225 (damage)/90 (tree detection/kill)
  • N/A
  • Enemy units (damage)/Trees (latch)
  • Deals 180 pure damage
  • 4
  • 90
  • 4
  • 1400
  • 225 (damage)/90 (tree detection/kill)
  • N/A
  • Enemy units (damage)/Trees (latch)
  • Deals 220 pure damage


• Damage type: pure
• You will not be pulled in if you are stunned when the chain latches onto a tree

Reactive Armor

  • Passive
  • N/A
  • N/A
What doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger! Every physical attack made on Rizzrak increases his armor and gives him bonus hp regen. Each stack lasts for 16 seconds.

  • Level
  • Mana Cost
  • Cooldown
  • Casting range
  • Area of Effect
  • Duration
  • Allowed Targets
  • Effects
  • 1
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • 16 seconds
  • N/A
  • Increases armor and HP regeneration by 1
  • 2
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • 16 seconds
  • N/A
  • Increases armor and HP regeneration by 1
  • 3
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • 16 seconds
  • N/A
  • Increases armor and HP regeneration by 1
  • 4
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • 16 seconds
  • N/A
  • Increases armor and HP regeneration by 1


• Bonus: 1 armor and 1 HP regen per stack
• Stack Limit: 4/8/12/16


  • Active
  • Point
  • C
Fires your main saw blade at the target location, and once there the blade will spin, dealing damage in an AoE around it and slowing enemies by 5% for every 5% of health they are missing. The blade deals pure damage and cuts down trees in its path when fired and retracted. You lose the ability to attack while the blade is out.

  • Level
  • Mana Cost
  • Cooldown
  • Casting range
  • Area of Effect
  • Duration
  • Allowed Targets
  • Effects
  • 1
  • 125 (initial), 20 (per second)
  • 8
  • 1200
  • 200
  • N/A
  • Enemy units, Trees
  • 100 damage (pass)/50 dps/slow
  • 2
  • 150 (initial), 25 (per second)
  • 8
  • 1200
  • 200
  • N/A
  • Enemy units, Trees
  • 140 damage (pass)/75 dps/slow
  • 3
  • 175 (initial), 30 (per second)
  • 8
  • 1200
  • 200
  • N/A
  • Enemy units, Trees
  • 180 damage (pass)/100 dps/slow


• Damage type: pure
• Chakram returns to you if you go more than 2000 units away. Destroys trees.

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